Township of Langley – Mid-Construction Blower Door Test

Through the Township of Langley’s Green Building Rebate Program, you can receive up to $350 per unit for completing a mid-construction blower door test when constructing a new residential building within the Township of Langley.

Township of Langley – Mid-Construction Blower Door Test


Rebate amount

Up to $350

Who can apply

The program is open to builders, developers and homeowners who are constructing a new home in the Township of Langley. The home must be a single family home, row home unit, townhouse unit, or duplex.


Submit the energy modelling invoice and program referral form to the Township of Langley within 90 days of final inspection.

Qualifying products

Visit the Township of Langley Green Buildings webpage for more information about Green Building programs and rebates in the Township.

Funding provided by

The Township of Langley

Rebate amount

Available Rebates

The home must be a single family home, row home unit, townhouse unit, or duplex.

Building Type


Single Family Dwellings

$350 per unit

Multi-Family Dwellings

$350 per unit*

*Note: Applies to 25% of the project

Eligibility requirements

Basic eligibility

  • The program is open to builders, developers and homeowners who are constructing a new home in the Township of Langley.
  • The home must be a single family home, row home unit, townhouse unit, or duplex.
  • Visit the Township of Langley Green Buildings webpage for more information about Green Building programs and rebates in the Township.


Within 90 days of the final inspection, submit the as-built energy compliance documents, program referral form, and energy advisor invoices to the Township of Langley.

How to apply

Before you begin

  1. Submit a Building Permit Application. All new single family homes must now include an energy modelling report to comply with the BC Energy Step Code.
  2. Obtain a Green Building Rebate Program referral form.
  3. Schedule a mid-construction blower door test with an Energy Advisor or qualified professional.
    • The blower door test is conducted once the air barrier is in place, but before the drywall has been installed.
  4. Complete an as-built EnerGuide evaluation to see if you meet Township of Langley Step Code requirements.
  5. Submit the energy modelling invoice and program referral form to the Township of Langley within 90 days of final inspection.
  6. Receive rebate by mail if all requirements are met.

I am...

Apply here

applying for the Green Buildings rebateSubmit a Building Permit Application

Who to contact

Questions about the rebate?

Contact an Energy Coach to get clarification or help with understanding this rebate.

Questions about your application?

FAQs and more