Programs and Resources for Indigenous Communities
There are several programs available to support energy efficiency projects in Indigenous communities across BC. The programs and offers on this page are for supporting multiple building retrofit and new construction projects coordinated at the community-level rather than for supporting individual household projects.
To implement these programs, CleanBC program partners (the Province, BC Hydro, and FortisBC) work directly with community representatives to coordinate delivery of the programs in Indigenous communities.
If you are an individual Indigenous household looking for support for home energy upgrades, please visit the main BetterHomes BC page’s rebate search tool. We encourage you to talk to your community’s/nation’s administration to ask if these programs could be delivered in your community and your household.
Program Offers
Download an overview of CleanBC’s Efficiency and Electric Vehicle Programs for Indigenous Communities [148KB PDF]
Supports Indigenous communities and housing providers that want to upgrade and retrofit their residential homes to improve comfort, affordability, and climate resiliency.
Support for Indigenous communities wanting to take advantage of the CleanBC Indigenous Community Heat Pump Incentive and related offers.
Program to support the adoption of the BC Energy Step Code, advance higher efficiency new construction, and enable communities to enjoy more efficient, healthier homes.
Free energy evaluations and free installation of energy-saving products for income-qualified community members. Some homes may also qualify for energy efficient upgrades like insulation, a new fridge, and/or a new natural gas furnace.
Education and Capacity Building in Energy Conservation
Energy Efficiency Knowledge
Energy Efficiency in the Home
BC Hydro Customers
- Visit powersmart.ca for energy efficiency tips and ways to save.
- Learn about how you can manage your BC Hydro account and track your energy use.
- Join Team Power Smart and reduce your usage by 10% in a year to earn a $50 reward.
- Get more tips, information on upcoming contests and deals each month by signing up for the Connected newsletter.
FortisBC Customers
- Save energy with FortisBC.
- Learn about how you can manage your FortisBC account.
- For resources for saving energy in your home, visit: Saving Energy in Your Home or sign up for the Energy Moment newsletter.
- Earn rewards and create an energy-savings action plan with the My energy use feature in Account Online.
Links and Resources
First Nations Home Energy Save
- The Fraser Basin Council is working with First Nations communities and support organizations to reduce home energy use for both new construction and existing housing, share success stories, and build local capacity and skills. If you have questions about the program or an energy success story to share, they’d like to hear from you.
- The Fraser Basin Council is offering free training workshops as part of its First Nations Home Energy Save initiative. If you or your community is interested in hosting a workshop please email echia@fraserbasin.bc.ca.

Funding Opportunities
This web resource is intended to help Indigenous Nations and local governments in British Columbia find appropriate funding to support energy planning, energy efficiency, and clean energy generation projects. This list provides summary information about each program/funding opportunity, including the program title, description, details on eligibility, funding available, funding organization, contact information, and website address.
Indigenous Clean Energy Network
A place for people working on Indigenous clean energy projects to collaborate on the processes, approaches, and policies needed to maximize the impact of their initiatives.