The Home Energy Improvement Bonus is a rebate provided to homes that complete EnerGuide Rating System evaluations and install three or more bonus-eligible home energy upgrades. The rebate is calculated as the percentage change between your pre- and post-upgrade EnerGuide rating.* The bigger the percentage change in your EnerGuide rating, the larger the bonus rebate you will receive. Different combinations of bonus eligible upgrades will provide higher rebates than others. Work with a Program-Qualified Energy Advisor to determine the right Home Energy Improvement Plan for your home.

Remember: The Home Energy Improvement Bonus is a rebate you receive in addition to the individual rebates. The chart below shows the potential range of the Home Energy Improvement Bonus amounts based on your heating system and type of upgrades undertaken.

Home Heating System Upgrade Combinations Average Range of Home Energy Improvement Bonus,** 
Natural Gas and Oil Air Source Heat Pump  + 2 eligible upgrades $1100 to $1800
Natural Gas and Oil 3 eligible upgrades $750 to $1100
Electric Air Source Heat Pump + 2 eligible upgrades $900 to $1500
Electric 3 eligible upgrades $750 to $900


Important notes:

  • Be sure to follow the Home Energy Improvement Bonus Eligibility Requirements
  • Effective Oct 1, 2020 the Home Energy Improvement Bonus provides a minimum of $750 and a maximum of $2,000 for qualifying applications.
  • If your community provides municipal top-ups, including Electric Heat Pump Space Heating Top-ups, there may be additional rebates available.
  • If your home is older, poorly insulated, drafty, or has less efficient space and water heating systems, it may be easier for you to achieve a greater percentage reduction in your EnerGuide score and receive a rebate in the upper range or even higher than the amounts shown above; if your home is newer, well insulated, well air sealed or has more efficient space and water heating systems, it may be harder for you to achieve a large percentage reduction in your EnerGuide score and you may receive a rebate in the lower range or lower than shown above.
  • Some types of changes to your home will increase the energy consumption of your home and reduce the Home Energy Improvement Bonus you may be eligible for: Switching from electricity to natural gas space or hot water heating systems, adding a new gas fireplace, adding new window or door openings, or expanding the size of your home.
  • Energy improvements that are not bonus eligible but improve the efficiency of your home will still be factored into the bonus rebate amount. For example, draftproofing, insulation upgrades under the eligibility threshold, solar hot water, and other upgrades will all improve the efficiency of your home and help boost your rebate amount

To get started: Schedule an pre-upgrade EnerGuide home evaluation with a Program-Qualified Energy Advisor. The energy advisor will provide you with recommendations to improve the energy efficiency of your home and help you determine which upgrade options are bonus-eligible and what your bonus rebate is likely to be.

* The Home Energy Improvement Bonus amount is calculated as $20 multiplied by the percentage reduction in your home’s EnerGuide rating (in gigajoules per year, or GJ/year) between your pre- and post-upgrade EnerGuide home evaluation. Three eligible upgrades are required. To see an example of how the rebate is calculated, see How does the Home Energy Improvement Bonus Work?

**This Home Energy Improvement Bonus range is provided as an average range of rebates. The actual rebate you will receive will depend upon a wide range of factors.