Do I need a permit for my upgrade?
The purpose of the permit process and related inspections is to ensure that the work on your home is structurally sound and meets provincial and/or municipal requirements for health and safety. During the planning stage of your building project or renovations, it’s important to check with the building department of your municipality directly to confirm permit requirements.
Ask your contractor to confirm the permits required for home energy improvements. Contractors committed to quality installations and good customer service will not try to talk you out of upgrading your home without the required permits.
In addition, we recommend that you contact your municipality and inquire about their permitting requirements. Generally, only extensive renovations that include modifying the layout of your home, such as adding an addition or moving walls, may require a permit. It is always best practice to inquire with your municipality before starting any work on the home.
If you live within the City of Vancouver there are additional bylaws for renovation permits. Visit our FAQ on the City of Vancouver’s permit requirements.
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